Order Flynax Products

Software License By making a one-time payment you get a lifetime software license for your domain and for all its subdomains. The license includes an unencrypted source code that you can customize as you wish.
(Anti-Crisis Promo)195 USD
A Month of Support You get a month of free support that includes basic guidance on the software and making minor changes. Our support is optional and you may extend it when you need it.
Free Template With the purchase of our classifieds script you get one free template/theme called Flatty that you can later replace with a premium template.
42 Plugins With the license you get 42 free plugins that will help you significantly boost the functionality of your site.
Installation We'd gladly install your site first time for free if you send us your hosting cpanel details.
Branding Removal We don't charge any fee for removing Flynax branding and you can easily replace it from admin panel of your site.
Premium Templates Premium templates are a line of fully responsive templates built on HTML5/CSS3 and meeting the latest web trends and featuring cross-platform compatibility. With the option you get access to all available and upcoming premium templates
iOS Application We offer the modern Mobile Application for iOS mobile devices. Application developed on the Flutter framework, it's connects to your site server and uses site data, such as categories, listings, forms and other.
(Anti-Crisis Promo)195 USD
Android Application We also offer the Mobile Application for Android mobile devices. Application developed on the Flutter framework, it's connects to your site server and uses site data, such as categories, listings, forms and other.
(Anti-Crisis Promo)195 USD
Premium Plugins Boost your site with 53 premium plugins offering a multitude of valuable features and functions.
Choose Plugins
Basic SEO Package Within the Basic SEO package, we install and configure all of the SEO-related plugins on your website, and send you a detailed SEO guide. Using our advanced SEO guide will allow you to optimize your classified script to the relevant niche
Customer Details
E-mail Enter a valid email that you use on a regular basis, preferably Google, Yahoo or any other popular email service. We recommend against using a domain-related email account because you might have an ownership verification issue once your domain expires.
Company Name
Phone Number
Zip/Potal Code
Billing Details
Secure Checkout

Your card details will be encrypted before sending to the server. Flynax doesn't keep your credit card details and won't use them for future orders.

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