Recommended Hosting

Selecting a good hosting service for your site is not an easy task because there are a lot of companies on the Internet offering similar packages and prices. The abundance of hosting companies makes it difficult to select the one that meets our system requirements and provides quality hosting services. To simplify selection of a hosting company we've come up with a few important attributes that make a professional hosting service.


Linux hosting is the optimal solution. We recommend Ubuntu, paired with LEMP as a software environment. VPS servers equipped with Fastpanel, cPanel or similar control panels are excellent options.

Local hosting

If you are going to target a particular geographic area, we recommend hosting your classifieds project with a local hosting company as it will enable your site to work faster.

Scalable hosting

You can easily start your classifieds site on shared hosting if you are launching it without any data, and further upgrade it to a VPS or a dedicated server once your site grows bigger.

SSD Performance

Make sure your hosting company offers SSDs or NVMe that work faster as compared to HDDs bringing better experience to your users and contributing to higher SERPS ranking.

System Requirements

  • Linux Distributions (Ubuntu, FreeBSD, CentOS etc)
  • Apache + Rewrite Module / NGINX server
  • MySQL 5.6 or later, MariaDB
  • PHP 7.3.0 - 8.3.x
  • Cron Jobs
  • PHP GD Library 2.x
  • At 10Gb free space + space for media data

Also required:
php-curl, php-mbstring, php-gd, php-gmp, php-xml, php-zip, php-intl

Average Hosting Parameters *

Up To
5K users
50K ads
20K users
400K ads
50K users
800K ads
CPU Core

* The table represents rough figures that may vary depending on server configurations, database parameters, indexes etc.

Recommended Hosting Companies

DigitalOcean logo
Bluehost logo
Hostforweb logo