Car Specs

Among all the classified listings, adding car listings consumes the most time for users. Car owners often have to go through a lengthy process of manually filling in vehicle specifications. This process can become even more complex when a user has multiple cars for sale. The Car Specs plugin simplifies the process of adding car listings to your site.

With the Car Specs plugin, users only need to input a VIN or a car plate, after which the form is automatically populated with the relevant specifications using data sourced from the largest UK vehicle database. The plugin features a user-friendly interface that allows dealers to add listings quickly and effortlessly.

NOTE: The Plugin is tailored specifically to the UK database. We may consider the integration of another database for an extra fee.

How it works

The plugin derives a detailed car specs report from a specialized car specification Motorspecs database. The administrator needs to register in a database service, which might require a fee, and then set it up in the admin panel. Once he does that, a straight-forward user-interface is created on a user side. The information from the service may be different from the one on the website. That is, extra fields may be needed to accommodate the extra information. With this in mind, advanced mapping system is integrated in the plugin.

Front End

Car dealers will find the plugin especially useful, as it will free them from the tedious task of adding multiple listings daily. The plugin bypasses monotonous filling in of technical specs by automatic completion of the form with the most accurate data. Furthermore, the vehicle specifications obtained from specialized services will be complete and comprehensive, which is not always the case with manual data completion. Detailed specifications report helps buyers easier navigate across multiple auto listings.

Back End

To start using the plugin, the administrator needs to activate the selected service in the admin panel, and then navigate to the plugin manager and login with service credentials to connect to the MotorSpecs database.

Before setting up the service in the admin panel, the administrator needs to make sure that it is supported in his country. As of now, the plugin supports only vehicles in UK, but we are planning to add other countries in the future.

With Car Specs plugin, the site becomes easy-to-use and more appealing to both users and dealers. The plugin simplifies the process of adding auto listings and thus leads to overall increase of listings added to the website.

To sum up, Car Specs plugin is a powerful tool for managing auto listings, it will take your site functionality and usability to a whole new level.

You have to log in to view installation instructions.

Sep 05, 2019
  • Plugin adjusted to the latest software version
  • Plugin adjusted to CarSpecs APIv2
Feb 16, 2018
  • Minor bugs fixed
Dec 29, 2016
  • The plugin is adjusted to Flynax 4.5.2
Jul 27, 2016
  • Minor bugs fixed
  • Plugin performance improved
  • Adjusted to version 4.5.1
  • VinAudit module added
Dec 25, 2015
  • Minor GUI improvements
Dec 24, 2015
  • Initial release
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