Category Import/Export
Category Import/Export Plugin is a simple and yet powerful tool that streamlines the process of importing or exporting categories and subcategories in XLS format. The Plugin saves your time by allowing you to make a spreadsheet with categories and subcategories and add them to your classifieds site with a couple of clicks.
How it Works
If you have a multitude of listings each relating to multiple categories, the Plugin will allow you to upload custom categories rather than adding them manually one by one through the "Add a Category" option in back end. Conversely, you may easily export the existing categories in an XLS file and use them for other sites.
Furthermore, the Plugin may help you create an identical set of subcategories for a number of parent categories.
Back End
Once the Plugin is installed, you may immediately proceed to exporting/importing categories. To do that, you’ll need to populate an XLS file with categories and subcategories making sure that its structure is compatible with that of the sample file provided with the Plugin.
To make sure your file is compatible with the Plugin, we recommend that you firstly export default categories in an XLS file and then edit the file by adding your custom categories. Once you’ve finished populating the file with categories you may save it and upload it to the site.
You have to log in to view installation instructions.
- Problem with missing category data after import resolved
- All reported issues fixed
- Plugin fully reworked: improved interface and boosted performance
- Support for PHP 8 added
- Support for XLSX format added
- Support for multilingual category import/export added
- Added the ability to import metadata.
- Improved the interface for exporting a category.
- Listing type key duplicate issue in generated category keys fixed
- Bug when importing categories in non-Latin languages fixed
- The Plugin adjusted to Flynax 4.6
- The Plugin made compatible with PHP v.7.0
- A few minor bugs fixed
- Stability of the plugin boosted
- The plugin is adjusted to Flynax 4.4.
- Issue with category lock solved
- A few minor bugs fixed
- Stability of the plugin boosted
- A few minor bugs fixed
- Stability of the plugin boosted
- Encoding issue fixed
- Category Level/Tree issue fixed
- Fixed categories key problem
- Now the Plugin is available for Flynax v.4.0
- Initial realease
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